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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

No more beta testing spots open! :(

As you read from the title, there's no more spots available for anybody to beta test our coming soon simulation (Expedition Everest).

Thank you for all being our beta testers and from your feedback has helped us create a better and much more stable simulation. Your feedback makes and shapes the simulations to perform the very best as it is intended to be.

We appreicate it greatly and looking forward to release the simulation. Again, please bare with us if the release of the simulation doesn't come out in time. We are still making fine tuning and adding some tweaking to the coding to make sure the simulation is ready for the public use.

Hopefully our release goal for this month expedition everest simulation will be ready as planned. We'll keep you updated if there's a delay in the developement release of the simulation. ;)

Thanks again and we hope you are excited as we are to announce the 6th addition to the simulation family.

Happy Holiday's and Merry Christmas!


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