It's been awhile that I've posted on any new posts. There's a reason why I reserve on posting anything new and I'm sorry for that. Let me explain....
As many of you have watched, read, or even experience the earthquake (readers/community of Themagical) as well. My heart was really torn apart when I saw the images. This is really worse than Chile and Haiti.
I felt inside so numb seeing the images that has affected me to the point not to post anything new. It's really sad to see villages being completely gone in matter of minutes and its so heavy on my heart to even reflect about it.
To our visitors, community users, and readers of Japan, my heart really goes out to you. Prayers and thoughts goes out to you. We really are humbled that you tune in to read our blog and website when your country has been affected so terribly. Even if you aren't near the affected area, just know we are thinking of you and supporting through donations to help.
From the destruction and following up on our news outlet's has keep me posted on what's going on and wow...just how you guys response to it from the videos I've seen. Just speechless right now to write more about it. Forgive me to be this way but its one reasons why I haven't written anything these past days.
Ok...phew...I'm just trying to cope about the situation in Japan.
Changes For Themagical:
Recently, we made a posting on the website about some new website 'upgrades'. These changes means a better stable website and as well new interaction elements to your profile.
From the new data base upgrades, those who haven't been on our site since June 1, 2009 will be deleted and will have to make a new account. As well those who been on the site, you will (even myself) have to make a new account since the previous data system can't be moved over to the new data based system.
We apologies for any inconvenience that this may cause. Trust me, its for the better of the community and better experience for Themagical.
For those in the 'Beta List' group, we advise that you make sure your account is active on our website if you didn't do so. If your account hasn't been active since June 1, 2009, your account will be deleted and you will not be part of our list. This is a MANDATORY requirement to be part of our 'Beta List' group.
Coming Soon:
"Coming Soon! It's not what you are thinking either."

(*Click on the image above to see it up-close.)
Closing Thoughts:
Thank you again for being patient with me on blog postings as I should do normally.
We hope you have a nice weekend and as well our thoughts and prayers goes to the people of Japan.
Until Next Time,
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