Yes please
32 .............................59.3%
No, please no, keep Joomla
19 .............................35.2%
3 ...............................5.6%
I do not have the flash plugin
0 ...............................0%
As you may know, we are just doing some art concept of a possible new page section.
Your votes are helping us to see what you think if "Themagical" should change to the proposed idea of "Themagical Simulations Academy".
It's an idea and from the previous comment of the webmaster "Tijn (Martijn)" showed that the focus of the site direction for this year.
Again, its just and idea and still not official. We are just wanting to see what you all think and your comments helps us see what direction we should take.
Thank you for making your voice heard and as well voting.
Here's is a propose main screen that you would see at "Themagical Simulations Academy".

We'll keep you updated on further developments on TSA "Themagaical Simulations Academy".
Happy Valentines day to you all! :)
Until next time,
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