Thinking about a different Themagical. Just get rid of all the forum/other stuff and only display the sims. I get tired of Joomla/CMS and it takes a lot of work just to reach something with the system. Personally I only want a page like the page.
2 years ago I wanted to stop with the website, lost all drive to work on it. Now it just feels the same.This does not mean there will be no sims anymore, it will save extra time to spend on the development of the sims.So I am wondering how everyone thinks about this? What would you like to keep and what can be dropped at the site. Should we keep a forum like vBulletin and a simulation section?
If I drop Joomla there will be no scoring system anymore, does anyone care?If I only keep a simulation page, I hope the google ads will generate enough income to pay the yearly costs of hosting
Just thinking about a kind of Themagical Simulation Academy thing. A place where you can create your castmember avatar and play the sims to earn experience, or just play the as they are normally.
I tried to make a login setup for fun, just to see how it would feel. Think a widescreen setup looks better then a 4:3 one, as a lot of people are buying widescreen televisions and computerscreens at the moment.
Screenshot: (Concept Design: Click on it to see it large.)

Current Votes: (As of February 6, 2009)
"Themagical only as flash website?"
No, please no, keep Joomla
15 ---------------45.5%
Yes please
15 --------------45.5%
3 -----------------9.1%
I do not have the flash plugin
0 ----------------0%
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