Hello There,
I'm writing you today with deep heaviness as I recall the memories of September 11, 2001 and that faithful day to know where I was at, what I was doing and how I remember myself stunned in disbelief of what I was seeing on TV and internet.
Each year, I still never forget that day how America was attacked by Terrorist who hijacked commercial airlines to use as weapons to kill over 3,000 innocent people.
This Tuesday September 11, 2012 marks the 11th anniversary of 9/11/2001 and from this we are seeing America still coping of the wounds of how America came together by helping one another and prayer of how our faith in God in time of need.
As yesterday afternoon hearing about creditable possible imminent attacks of the Anniversary of 9/11 , we in America are stepping up to stop this from happening and making sure of our surrounding areas of suspicious activity of possible terrorist attack.
It grieves my heart to see the stories on TV and internet and as well seeing the movies that came out in relation to 9/11 like 'United 93' movie for example. Still a piece of history that all Americans and people around the world won't forget what happened to the United States that day.
To recall that faithful day and read other stories of that day and how years later saw hope and healing. Please visit: http://news.yahoo.com/september-11-anniversary/
From behalf of Themagical Staff, we remember those who helped to save people that day, those who lost their lives and the families who lost their love ones. Our prayers and support goes out to you and thank you to the law officials and firefighters who supported the people in time of need during that terrible day in America History.

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