Hey Everybody!
I know its been a quite for couple of months (February) without anything new in particular. And I'm sorry. :(
It's been a long time since we've talked about any new information related to the Dorneyonline.com Simulation updates and I should update you on it.
* 18 days ago of 05.23.2011 EST (GMT -5 hours)
Here's the up close version of the build number: 20110523-004 (click on it to see larger)-#SteelForceSimulation Check out this screenshot, which shows the latest build (20110523-004) http://t.co/76Ja0kZ

Insight of current build: 201225-004
- Updated UI (User Interface) : From the last updated pictures you've seen the control panel have made huge changes. More shiny effect has been added and new modules information as well. It feels like a real ride operators control panel (which we try to make it realistic as the real life version).
- Control Buttons Tweaked (NOT FINAL) : The buttons you see above shows a slight change from the last public build screenshot. Though keep in mind, this isn't final until beta or even public release. We are still developing to the taste for all users will enjoy.
- Current Weather Module (Updated/Working) : Again, this too has gotten a major changed in appearance as well. This is working but its not shown in this current screenshot. It displays weather day/night affects. Currently still tweaking the coding to reflect the *simulation game experience. (*This feature may or may not be available for beta/public release. It will be an additional build update feature version once it debuts on Dorneyonline.com website)
- Park Operations Module (Working/Currently Developing) : As you've seen in the last screenshot public versions, this will be displaying many information for the "Ride Operator" as well alerts that's going on within the virtual park/ride attraction. *This feature will be giving insight to the ride operator to manage/change to the current simulation experience game play. (*This feature may or may not fully be ready to full potential once beta/public release online.)
The webmaster/founder of Themagical.nl posted some interesting tweets recently and I thought I would keep you posted on the current status of the '#SteelForceSimulation, #SF Sim, #sfsim' updates. (**If you on twitter, be sure to follow us at: @themagical and @randydorney.)
Thanks for reading and we hope to hear from ya real soon!
If you haven't emailed the simulation development team to try the beta testing of Steel Force once we announce it, please send an email to sdt@themagical.nl, with your name, user name account from either Themagical.nl or Dorneyonline.com website and email address.
Until Next Time!
Email: sdt@themagical.nl
Twitter: www.twitter.com/randydorney
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