Hey Everybody!
It's been a long time since we've talked about any new information related to the Dorneyonline.com Simulation updates!
The webmaster/founder of Themagical.nl posted some interesting tweets recently and I thought I would keep you posted on the current status of the 'Steel Force Simulation' updates.
* 12 hours ago of 11.26.2010 EST (GMT -5 hours)
- Sometimes I'd wish days could last longer, so i'd had more time to work at the #Themagical #sims. Especially testing takes a lot of time.
- And the weather system of the #SFsim needs some animations and additional effects.
- 2Still 2 major point for the #SFsim: queue system and operation schedule, both are working but need to be tweaked..
- Again spend some time yesterday, preparing the #SFsim for the beta tests, still looking into some small issues, which have to be fixed
We are looking forward to start the beta testings so you can enjoy this before we release the simulation for the public to enjoy!
If you haven't emailed the simulation development team to try the beta testing of Steel Force once we announce it, please send an email to sdt@themagical.nl, with your name, user name account from either Themagical.nl or Dorneyonline.com website and email address.
Until Next Time!
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