Hello my fellow blog readers!
As the signs of spring is almost around the corner, daylight rising early in the morning and birds chirping in the early morning.
By now, (*you've may been late to appointment(s)/church/work/etc... if you didn't change your clock ahead) should of moved your clocks ahead "1 hour" due to the daylight savings time.
On March 9/10, 2013 at the stroke of midnight there was a short announcement on almost all media outlets, but even then I heard some confusion, as to which way the clocks must be adjusted, so for those who might still find it difficult to remember the system, learn a simple cheat code Spring Forward – Fall Back.
In April which is around the spring season you adjust your clocks one hour forward, while in October which is the fall season you adjust your clocks one hour backward. Hence Spring Forward & Fall Back Do yourself and your family a favor, take round of your entire house and tweak all the clocks that you see, cell phones and also adjusting computer clocks (some computers automatically changes their settings via clock settings on your PC/Mac/Linux).

Starting in the spring of 2007, daylight saving time (DST) start and end dates for the United States will transition to comply with the Energy Policy Act of 2005. DST dates in the United States will start three weeks earlier, at 2:00 A.M. on the second Sunday in March. DST will end one week later, at 2:00 A.M. on the first Sunday in November.
The update that this article describes changes the time zone data to account for the DST change for the United States. This update also includes other DST-related changes, time zone-related changes, and settings-related changes. Some of these changes will occur in 2007. Some of these changes have occurred since the products that are listed in the "Applies To" section were originally released. The update that this article describes is a cumulative update rollup that includes all the changes that were previously released in Microsoft Knowledge Base articles 928388 and 929120. This update also describes some additional changes since the last cumulative update in Microsoft Knowledge Base article 928388.

http://support.microsoft.com/gp/cp_dst (http://support.microsoft.com/gp/cp_dst)
For more information about how daylight saving time changes may affect other Microsoft products, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
914387 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/914387/ ) How to configure daylight saving time for the United States.
Note When you apply this update, you may receive the following message:
This message indicates that you have already applied the correct update or that Windows Updates or Microsoft Update has automatically installed this update. No additional action is required to update your Windows operating system software.
Those running Windows Vista/7/8 , should see an 'alert warning' if you click on the 'clock' on the taskbar stating the "Daylight Savings Time" affected date. (Example image below)

Until then,
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