© Disney
Hey there, hi there, hello there, it's time to start the jamboree! M - I - C - K - E (record needle trips and music stops suddenly) ...ummmm sorry about that! Hehe, I got carried away there for a moment.
Today is my first post on here and I thought it would be a great start to have an opening to my post.
Have you ever been touch by someone in your life, like your parents, siblings, friends, etc... I know we all have in our lives in many shapes and forms. Well, what about at any Disney cast member making an impact by sharing an extra piece of magic that you'll never forget in a life time.
Ok ok, I know you are wondering what does my family, friends, relatives and everything has to deal with the title and Disney??
Let me explain...now close your eyes and take a moment to reflect on your life that you can recall if someone or many people did something towards you that made you so happy and speechless that til this day you'll never forget?Today is my first post on here and I thought it would be a great start to have an opening to my post.
Have you ever been touch by someone in your life, like your parents, siblings, friends, etc... I know we all have in our lives in many shapes and forms. Well, what about at any Disney cast member making an impact by sharing an extra piece of magic that you'll never forget in a life time.
Ok ok, I know you are wondering what does my family, friends, relatives and everything has to deal with the title and Disney??
Now that you have that in mind, how did that day made you feel? Do you remember like it just happen yesterday? I can say the same thing too even if it was from Disney or not.
I've Learned from Disney, even we can make a "Disney Difference" in our lives everyday to people who are in our lives daily. By what I mean is that, we can make "magic memories" to people we care and love that they too can experience a memory of a life time.
Some of you are rolling your eyes and saying "yeah, but what can I do with barely any money to make a great memory?!?" From what I've learned even the smallest things count. Sadly, even some people in my life didn't see the meaning of a small thing that I do for them.
Now, don't be discourage about what I just said. I had a bad weed that later proved they weren't my friends that care about me. What I'm trying to say that, do something nice and sometimes out of random times can make a persons day very special to them that they'll never forget!
Ok some are thinking, what can I do to make "a Disney Difference"? Well, below I thought a few things that could make a person in your life feel special and as well cared by you.
Write a letter via snail mail: Businesses will tell you now adays that writing an letter by hand shows that taking your time and making an effort to write means more than writing an email.
Treat someone out to eat: Going out to eat for something small or big depends on what you want to give. This shows that even a small gesture goes the long way.
Make a hand drawn card or a craft: Even if you aren't a graphic artist or one that draws, you can make a birthday card than buying one or making a craft of a thing they enjoy a lot.
These a small ways of ideas to make a person happy and making them feel special inside. Even making a nice comment about the person can make them feel special too!
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