Hello my fellow blog readers!
YES!!! It's officially summer! Well, technically it began like last April but there was still snow in my area. That's not summer time-ish for me! >:( Nope, summer time officially starts when Dorney Park officially opens for the new season!
On my terms, that's when the summer time starts for me! hehe lol.
Well, since its the summer time and amusement park's opening this summer I know many of you and including myself are making plans to go there and do some stay-cation/vacation trips!
For me, its daily routine every summer to get my summer season pass at my local 'home park' and see what's new and enjoy the rides and attractions in a brand new season!
Thanks for visiting your time reading this blog and as well keeping up to date on what's coming up real soon for themagical.nl & dorneyonline.com website project!
We hope you guys have a great summer and be sure to watch this blog, Themagical's website and Reighard's Live Show for further updates.
Have a great safe and happy summer!
Until then,
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